Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 9: Hannah and Her Sisters

Woody Allen, 1980something

I started this one two or three days ago... and I just can't finish it. I can't. I don't get it. I don't get it at all.

It follows several characters who are slightly related. Two of them are having an affair. One is struggling with that psychological thing that makes you always think you have a disease. Another is... I don't even know. In a bad relationship, or something.

I put it down two days ago because relatives came in town. Tried to pick it back up today, but I just couldn't. There is nothing about this screenplay that makes me want to keep reading.

Not that it's bad. I mean, this is Woody Allen. This is on the list of top 101 screenplays of all time. There has to be something good about it. But I'm honestly just bored of it. It doesn't entertain me. It doesn't interest me at all. I keep trying to read it, thinking there's something great about it. But I would just rather stop wasting my energy and stop reading.

The dialogue bugs me a lot. I know it shouldn't, because the underlying story is what matters. But Woody Allen's style of multiple people talking at once, and lots of stuttering, is just obnoxious to read. So obnoxious. Seeing this in movie form might be better, I don't know.

If anyone knows why this screenplay is good, please tell me. I want to appreciate it for being good, but I just can't force myself to get through it. I want to understand.


  1. I've only seen, like, two or three Woody Allen movies (not this one) and I definitely know what you mean. I get the feeling that his auteuristic style is so specific, you have to break into his mental "flow" before you can appreciate it. I really liked his film "Zelig". I'd recommend it. Or at least the film, haven't read the screenplay.

  2. Zelig, huh? Alright, I'll look into that one. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way about Woody Allen.

  3. For sure. And yeah, Zelig discusses (imo) identity and the sense of belonging that is portrayed in everyday life as something necessary in order to live a happy life. If that makes sense. Also, I don't have too much practice with this whole armature-thing, so I have no idea if I'm right. I should really just buy Invisible Ink.
